Bench Press To Build Your Chest Muscles

Among the upper body exercise bench press makes you lift the most weight. It’s very common exercise done by weightlifters. It targets the pectoral, deltoids (shoulder) and triceps muscles. If you give yourself the necessary rest its results will show quickly.

How to do bench press
  •  Lie on bench under the rack that holds the bar. Your head and shoulder should be on the bench at all times.
  •  Put your feet on the floor and then spread them wide. Your knees should be bent at approximately 90 degrees.
  •  Unrack the barbell with overhand grip in which the hands are positioned slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
  •  Lower the barbell to your chest slowly.
  •  Exhale and raise it up. Press it until your arms are locked.
  •  Do more repetitions.

Incline Bench Press
This is bench pressing on an inclined bench. With incline bench press, the barbell touches the upper chest. The more the bench is inclined, the higher the barbell would touch your chest.

Decline Bench Press
With decline bench press the bench is declined as the name suggest. In this bench press, the barbell touches your lower chest. The more the bench is declined, the lower the barbell would touch your chest.

Dumbbell Bench Press
Some people prefer using dumbbell to barbell. Barbell bench press is difficult than dumbbell bench press.

Floor Press
This is done by lying on the floor instead of the bench. It targets the triceps.

Close Grip Bench Press
For close grip bench press, move your hands closer to each other when you grab the barbell. It targets the triceps.

Dos and Don’ts
  •  Don’t remove your feet from the floor.
  •  Don’t push our shoulder blades up but keep our chest up instead.
  •  Keep the bar in a straight line.
  •  Warm up enough or stretch enough before bench pressing.
  •  Get a spotter to assist you when want to lift heavy weights.
  •  Don’t lift more than you can.

Bench Press To Build Your Chest Muscles Bench Press To Build Your Chest Muscles Reviewed by Tarkum on 21:01:00 Rating: 5

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