Push Up Exercise

Push up is a type of calisthenics exercise. It can be done without any fitness tool because it uses your body weight as resistance. It’s a good exercise for the chest, shoulder, triceps, upper back and even the legs. You can do it anytime and anywhere.

How to do push up
  •  Get on the floor with a prone position
  •  Position your hands slightly under than shoulder-width. You can close or open your legs.
  •  Raise your body up off the floor using your arms on to your toes.
  •  Keep your body in a straight line from shoulders to ankles.
  •  Push your abs out, tighten your stomach.
  •  Keep your elbows at 90 degrees angle by lowering your torso.
  •  Raise your body back to the start position.
  •  Repeat again and again.

Incline Push Up
This type of push up is easier than standard push up. Incline push up is for beginners. This is by putting your hands against a table, bench or even on the wall.

Decline Push Up
This type of push up is difficult than the standard push up. This is done by raising your feet on an object. It could be bench, table, stair or whatever that suits you. The higher the height of the object, the tougher the exercise.

One Hand Push Up
Instead of two hands, only one hand is required. Get your legs wide open to keep you in balance.

Rings/Blast Straps Push Up
Use rings or blast straps to perform this push up. It builds the triceps.

Push Up Lat Row
Include dumbbells to the standard push up. This exercise is for experts.

Resistance Band Push Up
Add resistance band to the exercise. Use stronger resistance band as you get stronger.

Diamond Push Up
This push up put more pressure on your wrists. It’s performed with the thumbs and index fingers touching to make a diamond shape.

Depth Push Up
This is done by placing your hands on two separate boxes which is set apart wider than your shoulder width. Then push your body down and up in between them.

Clap Push Up
The type of push up that where you push your body with a lot of force off the ground and you clap in mid air.

Push Up Exercise Push Up Exercise Reviewed by Tarkum on 13:57:00 Rating: 5

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