Simple But Effective Exercises For Weight Loss

Losing weight is about making calorie deficit. The two ways to do that is sticking to calorie controlled diet and exercising. You can’t lose weight the healthy way avoiding exercise; through exercise that calories are burned.
It’s recommended to do regular exercise. This is kinda boring especially to beginners; that’s why you have to do what you love best.
Take advantage of these simple exercises:
  •  Household Chores.
 Instead of eating at your free time you can use it to do some household chores. Burn calories by sweeping, mowing, shoveling snow, moving large items, scrubbing, raking etc. This can save you some money too.

  •  Sex.
You can burn over 120 calories by having sex. The amounts of calories you burn depend on the style you perform and the time it last.

  •  Take the stairs instead of elevator.
 You would be exercising your legs and arms by taking the stairs.

  •  Sports.
Playing sports can burn over 600 calories per hour depending on the level of competiveness. This is having fun and at the same time burning some calories. It could be skating, basketball, football, tennis, soccer, baseball etc.

  •  Dance.

Dancing is a great way to lose weight. Exercise is sweet when you love that type of exercise.

  •  Swimming.
This is among the best exercises in burning calories. You can burn between 90 to 500 calories per 30 minutes depending on your effort. It also reduces risk of blood pressure.

  •  Jogging.
Experts say that, 30 minutes of jogging allows a person to burn 300 calories. It also lowers blood pressure and strengthens both the heart and lungs.

  •  Walking.
If you can’t jog, walk. Walking is a simple and great calorie burning exercise. The fun part is taking your dog with you. You will burn more calories if you increase your pace and walk up hills.

  •  Biking.
According to research, an individual burns 235 calories per 30 minutes for biking at 12 to 14mph. Leave the car and ride a bike to work. You can also use it as running errands or visiting family and friends.
Simple But Effective Exercises For Weight Loss Simple But Effective Exercises For Weight Loss Reviewed by Tarkum on 05:01:00 Rating: 5

1 comment:

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