Learn More About Pull Up And Chin Up

Pull up and chin up are upper body strength training. They are done by holding a pull up bar with your hands, and then pulling yourself until your chin is above the bar. The difference between them is chin up is done with the palms facing chest whiles pull up is done with the palms facing away. Chin up works more on the biceps and lats whiles pull up work more on the upper back muscles. Pull ups are harder than chin ups.
left is pull up and right is chin up

How to do pull up and chin up

  •  Set yourself below a pull up bar (standard pull up bar).
  •  Grab the bar by jumping up. Before you begin make sure you have gain your balance and not swinging.
  •  Cross and bend your legs against each other. This will make you stronger and balance.
  •  Pull yourself upwards. Do it until your chin is above the bar.
  •  Lower yourself down until your arms are straight. Don’t touch the ground.
  •  Repeat the process again.

One Arm Chin/Pull Up
This is very difficult exercise; you can easily get injured. You have to be strong to do this. It’s performed by using only one arm instead of two to pull your body weight. You can use your other hand to assist by holding on to the wrist. It helps to lift about 20-30% of the body weight.

Parallel Bar Pull Up
Unlike the standard pull up, the parallel bar pull up is done with the hands facing each other. It’s was adopted from the sport of gymnastics.

Weighted Chin/Pull Up
Add weight to the chin or pull up, that will make it challenging. You can put a dumbbell in between your ankles or wear weight belt or chain and lastly put on rucksack.

Muscle Up
With the muscle up you have to move your entire torso above the bar. It’s a very difficult exercise.

Learn More About Pull Up And Chin Up Learn More About Pull Up And Chin Up Reviewed by Tarkum on 22:14:00 Rating: 5

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