Lose Weight The Healthy Way

In recent times most people are within the overweight category. These people eat all kinds of junk foods and do no exercise. By the time they realize, overweight caught-up then losing weight comes to mind.
Losing weight kinda hectic but can be accomplish. You know it took you some time to gain your current weight so it will take you some time to go back. Everybody knows the number one principle is to burn more calories than you eat, but you and I know it ain’t easy. You need to have a plan, I mean realistic one. You know your strength; don’t set yourself on anything far beyond your reach. Always remember it’s a gradual process.
First of all, to lose weight you have to track the amount of calories you eat. You can use calorie counter. Then calculate your activities. Lastly you should know your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). BMR is the amount of calories the body needs to function when at rest. After you are done with all the three calculations, subtract the calories you eat from the summation of your activities and BMR. The answer you get is the extra calories you eat. The calories you eat should be equal to the sum of your activities and BMR. To eat less calories you have to change your diet and this must last forever. This doesn’t mean you should starve yourself to death but rather eat the right foods.

Losing weight is not all about eating low calorie foods but doing exercise plays vital role in it. You should burn more calories than you eat, in other words do more exercise. At least do 200 to 300 minutes of aerobic exercise per week. Each session should be more than 10 minutes.

According to experts most weight loss supplement don’t honor their purpose and the worst part is their side effects. It’s better to stay away from them, just stick to the right diet and exercise regularly.

  •  Cut out soda and quench your thirst with water.
  •  Stay away from processed foods - they digest fast.
  •  Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  •  Eat whole fruits and vegetables instead of drinking juice.
  •  Take the dog for a walk.
  •  Have more sex.
Lose Weight The Healthy Way Lose Weight The Healthy Way Reviewed by Tarkum on 22:13:00 Rating: 5

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